
Why, hello there!

It's been a month since I began home(pre)schooling my 4 and a half year old son, and.....I've decided to create a blog!  This might be a ridiculous idea, seeing as how since we've begun our little homeschooling adventure, I've already been running out of time for things that used to be daily routine.  For instance, Hubby had to...dum, dum, dum.....make his OWN lunch today!  So, here's to finding the time to add another badge on this Supermom (ha! sure) sash! 

I really wanted to create a blog to chronicle our homeschooling adventures.  I have started taking pictures and saving Little Guy's work, but I think this will help to keep it all together for me, and for him to look back on. 

I'm also hoping this might be a help to other moms like me who have absolutely no idea what they are in for on a homeschooling journey.  I have been all over the internet since I began planning our "curriculum."  Scouring other blogs, websites, and pinterest for handy information.  I'm really glad I decided to start this for preschool though, because I'm looking at this school year as a sort of "trial run" for next year when the real deal begins!!

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