
"P" is for Pumpkins

Lucky for us, there is a pumpkin patch within walking distance of our home, so we started off our Pumpkin themed week with a walk to the pumkin patch!

We chose one for carving and some smaller pumpkins for painting.  I couldn't get over how theraputic it is to paint.  Your mind just kind of stops running a million miles an hour while you paint.  It was great! Little Guy had such a fun time mixing colors and trying to cover every space on his pumpkin.  Here's a pic of our painted pumpkins.

We started off our week with the Spookley the Square Pumpkin story and a craft. to go with it.

We did our Letter P writing practice sheet and a "Find the P's story" from

I found these Halloween themed pompoms in the dollar bin area of Target, and knew they would be great for a sorting activity.  We sorted them into compartments of a plastic container by small, meduim, and large. 

I just love this pic of Little Guy concentrating on his letter tile matching page.

We also made a 5 Little Pumpkins book from  I had Little Guy color one page every day, then on Friday we cut it and stapled it make a book. 

When I was browsing Pinterest I saw this cute little pumpkin made of scraps of paper, and I knew I had to add it into our Pumpkin themed week!  Little Guy ripped up pieces of orange paper (which is great for building muscles in his little hands), and then painted a paper plate with glue.  While he got to work adding the bits of paper to the plate, I cut out 2 triangles and a mouth from black construction paper.  He glued them on, and tada!  A cute mosaic jack o' lantern!

(In case you're wondering about the pig - aka: Evil Dr. Porkchop, I let Little Guy bring something to school as long as it starts with our letter of the week.  It's a win, win because he's happy to be able to have a toy with him, and I'm happy he's scavenging the house for something that starts with our letter!)

The books we read this week are:

"Pumpkin, Pumpkin" by Jeanne Titherington
(Nothing spectacular, but introduces the stages of the growth of the pumpkin)

"The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin" by Joe Troiano
(A wonderful book about not judging a book by it's cover.  Great lesson about how being different doesn't mean you can't be destined for greatness. Little Guy even clapped at the end!)

"The Pumpkin Fair" by Eve Bunting

"Pumpkin Soup" by Helen Cooper
(Great story to teach little ones about taking turns and giving others a chance)

"Franklin's Pumpkin" by Sharon Jennings
(We just love Franklin in this house.)

1 comment

  1. You are such an inspiration! And giving me plenty of ideas to try with my kids, even if I don't homeschool! (I don't know how that would go here in Germany. :) ) I really enjoy your photos too!


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