
Letter U

Last week we learned about the Letter U.  Monday was a holiday, so we had a 4 day school week.  It worked out perfectly, since there are not too many things I could come up with for the letter U. 

We glued some pompoms on letter U's and put together a picture of an umbrella.
We did a "Find the U's" story and a letter U writing practice page.  Both of which can be found here

Little Guy really loves doing our letter tiles pages!
Every day we read a book that has to do with our letter during school time, and then books that Little Guy chooses at nap and bed time.  Our letter U themed books were:

 "The Umbrella Day" by Nancy Evans Cooney
(Little Guy sat through it, but I could tell he was not interested)

 "Short U and Long U Play a Game" by Jane Belk Moncure
(Little Guy absolutely LOVES these books!  We choose which sound we are going to be and then read the story to find out who finds the most words with their sound!)

 "Me and My Place in Space" by Joan Sweeny
(We talked about the Universe afterward and drew a picture of it on black paper)

"Umma Ungka's Unusual Umbrella" by Barbara deRubertis
(The Animal Antics A to Z series is great!  There is a book for every letter, and the stories are really cute!)

 We also watched "Up" one afternoon!

We do what Little Guy calls "worksheets" almost everyday too.  I don't really push them, but he is constantly asking for them.  Every week we do about 2 pages from The Kumon My First Book of Tracing workbook, a page from Active Minds Preschool 101 Things to Know About Math, and a page from Active Minds Preschool 101 Things to Know About Reading.  We also have a huge BrainQuest preschool workbook, and we use the pages out of it that correspond with our letter of the week.
Honestly, Little Guy just loves doing workbook pages, so I only use pages that fit with our theme during "school time."  That way he doesn't feel overloaded and they never turn into WORKsheets.  I want him to keep thinking they are fun rather than work.  Stay tuned for a post about all the great workbooks we use!


  1. Awesome! So do you check the books out from the library in anticipation of your lessons? Or did you just happen to have these books already?

  2. We check them out at the Library. I search the internet each week to find books that will go with the theme, make a list, then look for them at the library after storytime. We have a lot of books here, so I try to incorporate those when I can.


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