When I had my first son, babywearing hadn't really made it's way into the mainstream (at least not in my circles). It was around, but most of the moms that I knew or saw out and about used strollers or lugged that car seat carrier everywhere, so that's what I did.
We bought a carrier, thinking it would be fun and easy, but we only used it one or two times.
After reading all the info about why you shouldn't wear baby forward facing in a carrier, I'm glad we didn't really use it very much.
Among the slew of things I've done differently with baby number 2, like natural birth outside of a hospital sans medication, breastfeeding, and cloth diapering, I decided to see what the fuss was about with babywearing.
I started out with a Moby Wrap Original 100% Cotton Baby Carrier, Once I got the hang of it, I really loved it.
Babywearing in the Moby Wrap 5 days postartum |
I loved that I could be hands free, but still have baby close to me.
I loved that it was soft, and that it kept us both warm (baby was born in October).
It kept baby from fussing when we had to buy groceries or went Christmas shopping.
But....we live in Florida, and it gets hot here. Like, stifling, suffocating, dripping with sweat hot; and I just couldn't handle wearing baby wrapped up in all that fabric anymore. We would both get super hot, and he was already a pretty sweaty baby as it was.
Plus, the Moby drags all over the ground while you put it on. Not such a big deal at home, but a pretty big deal in a parking lot if it's been raining.
That's when we decided to buy an ERGObaby carrier. Since baby was 4 months old when we bought it we didn't buy the Ergo with the newborn insert.
This was hands down the best purchase we've ever made. Life changing.
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