
Holiday Dough FREE Printable

My niece and nephew are at that age.  Too old for toys, but still young enough for the magical parts of Christmas.  I know that anything we get them probably won't be what they want, but at their age, giving them money in a card for Christmas makes me feel like I may as well shout, "I don't believe in fairies!" (thud) as they open the card. 

Last year I gave them one dollar bills all taped together, lengthwise, to form one long strip, and folded the strip accordian style and placed it in a tissue box so that when they pulled the first dollar, the rest kept coming.  Sort of like when a magician pulls a scarf out of his pocket.

This year I needed another cute way to give them their gift of green, so naturally, I headed over to Pinterest. There, I came across an adorable little poem with a gingerbread man, but couldn't find where it originated, so I decided to make my own to print out.

And since it is the holiday season, I've added my printables here for you!  I made a boy version and a girl version, so just right click and save the image you'd like to your computer and print.

Gingerbread Boy

Gingerbread Girl
If you're using a standard sized sandwich bag (as pictured above), print at 5x7 size.

Fold in half and glue/tape to the top of the bag.

Super easy, super cute, and best of all - you'll be guilt free by avoiding the impersonal, "money in a card" gift!

Linked up at Mostly Homemade Mondays


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