
School Valentines

I saw this adorable valentine idea on Pinterest where a picture of a child was holding an actual lollipop. I thought it was really cute, except that said picture was captioned, "Valentine's are for suckers." I don't think that saying would fly in Little Guys school, but the lollipop idea was great, and I couldn't pass it up, so I decided to make my own version.

I took a pic of Little Guy with his hand out in front of him like so:
I uploaded it to this super easy photo editing site called PicMonkey  You don't have to create an account or anything. You just upload the photo you want to edit, edit it, and save it. There are so many Valentine's Day features right now, so I got to work making Little Guy's valentines.
Here's what I came up with:
From there, I uploaded the pics to Walgreens and ordered standard 4x6 prints.  They were ready to pick up in around an hour.
I cut slits into the top and bottom of Little Guy's pictured fist, and inserted the stick of a heart shaped lollipop.  Voila!
It was $6 (including tax) for 30 (I got extra for friends and family) photos, and $3 for the lollipops (although I'm sure you could find them cheaper).  So for $9, we've got personalized, adorable valentines for school!
*You can also find this post at:

 Sugar and Dots



  1. These are so darn cute! I wish I had seen this before I did my daughters. Ah well. There is always next year :) Great work.

    1. Thanks! My little can't wait to bring them to school. :)


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