
V is for Valentine!

With Valentine's day coming up, we decided we'd spend this week on the letter V. 
I had Little Guy place M&M's on a V to get familiarize himself with the letter.  You can see by the pics he started rushing about halfway through because he wanted to hurry up and eat the candy!  I probably should have made a smaller V, but oh well. 

Since we're all pretty big readers around here, I thought it could be fun for Little Guy to make bookmarks as Valentine's presents for everyone.  I set out foam bookmarks that I found at the Dollar Tree, foam heart stickers, glitter, and markers and let Little Guy go to town.
We did some worksheets.
And made our heart shaped chocolates, which you can read about here. 
We also did this great "Find the V's" page with our bingo marker from Over the Big Moon.  I always find really cute themed pages there.
Then we did some more Valentine crafting and made our own Valentine cards.
We also learned all about volcanoes, did some volcanic activities, and even made our own, which you can read about HERE. 

The books we read this week:

My V Book by Jane Belk Moncure
(love this series)

I Love You Because You're You by Liza Baker
(sweet book)

Volcanoes and Earthquakes by Ken Rubin
(awesome pictures and drawings showing volcanoes and how they work)

Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
(another sweet book)

Puddle's ABC by Holly Hobbie
(great ABC book that actually has a story in it along with the ABC pages.)

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