
How you Raise Your Frequency Using Essential Oils

Most of us are familiar with the saying, "Raise your vibes!"  Quite frankly, I have always translated this to mean "Be positive" or "Don't worry, be happy!" And in part, that's true.  There are many ways to raise your vibration, but one of the quickest and most effective ways is by inhaling therapeutic grade essential oils. 
So, what does all this "raise your vibes" really mean?
Why do we care?
And how do we do it?
High Frequency Oils
Turns out that everything from a rock to a human body is made up of constantly moving energy.  This energy is organized by waveforms and frequencies.  The rate of frequency at which a rock or human body vibrates is called its vibration, and is measured in MHz.
A healthy human body is around 7 MHz
almonds 50 MHz
broccoli 70 MHz
cooked hamburger around 3 to 5 MHz
processed or canned food around 0 MHz.
So, why do we care about raising our vibes?  The reason is because raising and lowering our vibrations effect our mind, body, and spirit.  Our natural state of being is one of high vibes (vibration) and positively impacts us. 
Conversely, factors such as negative thoughts, processed food, and environmental toxins can lower our vibes and adversely effect us:
Human cells can start to mutate when their frequency drops below 62 MHz. 
A cold or flu starts to set in at 58 MHz. 
At 42 MHz, cancer can appear. 
The death process begins around 20 MHz. 
See where I'm going?
Not only can we raise our vibes, but we can keep our frequencies high. 
Remember, disease starts when our frequencies drop below 62 MHz.  Crisis, disturbing news, relationship issues, name it! Something is always bringing our frequencies down, but we can raise our vibes several ways.
Positive thoughts and words, meditation, prayer, and inhaling essential oils can all raise our vibes.
Positive thoughts 72-78 MHz
meditation 77-83 MHz.
Lavender oil 118 MHz
Frankincense oil 147 MHz
Rose oil 320 MHz.
Of course, we're talking about therapeutic grade oils here. By the way, most Young Living blends vibrate at around 80 MHz in case you were wondering.
High Frequency Essential Oils
So here's how oils can raise your frequency: the scent is inhaled through the nose and sent directly to the brain, (in particular, to the limbic system) which is the center for emotions and emotional behavior. Mood enhancers like serotonin and endorphins get released.  Almost immediately (depending on the oil), you may begin to feel more alert, calm, relaxed, or happy.   You may feel the release of negative emotions and soothing of tension or anxiety.
Fatigue, low energy, non-motivation, anxiety, emotional pain, depression, loneliness, poor memory and concentration, stress, low self-esteem. fear, grief and sadness, anger irritability... there's a oil that can help! A myriad of essential oils such as Bergamont  Blue Tanzy, Clary Sage, Lemon, as well as others are frequently used by world-wide clinics, hospitals, and therapists.
Smell may very well be the most awesome of the senses!  Our sense of smell is 10000 times more powerful that the other senses.  Better yet, the recognition of smell is almost immediate.  (The other senses such as touch have to travel up the spinal cord to the brain to be processed.  Remember, smell travels straight to the brain.) Smell is the strongest link to the emotional subconscious mind and also to the collective unconscious mind where memories are stored... but that's a story for another day.  
The WHO (World Health Organization), The Mental Health Foundation, and a long list of others confirm that our emotional, mental, and physical health are interconnected.  All it takes is a few drops of theraputic grade oil on diffuser jewelry, in a roller, rubbed on neck after mixing with a carrier oil, added to the bath water, or diffused... we can do that! 
Let's raise our vibes!

Article by:
Linda Stephens
Follow along with Linda @thesoulknows
How to use Essential Oils to raise your vibrations

Young Living Shampoo and Conditioner Review

A little back story: I had switched away from shampoos containing sulfates and parabens a WHILE ago because - know better, do better:
"studies have shown that some parabens can mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in the body’s cells, and while estrogenic activity is associated with certain forms of breast cancer, parabens have been found present in breast tumors. Sulfates are concerning because they were found to break down proteins, which can lead to a degenerative effect on the cell membranes. Sulfates were also found to leave residue in the heart, lungs, and brain"
In the past year or so, I also began paying attention to labels which listed "fragrance" as an ingredient. Since the term "fragrance" can mean any of thousands of undisclosed chemical combinations, I knew I didn't want that massaged into my scalp anymore.
The only shampoo I could find locally that didn't contain the "F word" was the Everyone Brand, and I really liked it, but Target stopped selling it in the store, so I had to start ordering it online. I figured, if I have to order my shampoo online anyway, I might as well just give the Young Living shampoo a try since I get 20% back on it anyway through Essential Rewards, so I added it to my order.
Natural Shampoo and conditioner
It arrived (smells heavenly), and I put it to the test yesterday - the new shampoo AND conditioner. The shampoo is THICK, but doesn’t suds up (if you’re already using natural shampoo this is nothing new, but if you’ve been using Pantene or something, it will take some getting used to). I used a dime size on top of my head and a dime size on the underneath (I have thick hair). I know shampoos normally say use a dime-sized amount, but I usually use like 2 silver dollars worth. 😂🤷‍♀️ This one is so thick I did two dimes.
I've heard from others who have tried this shampoo that since it is so thick, they dilute it half and half with water. And others who really just like suds, so they add in a teaspoon of baking soda. I'm used to suds-free, so that part doesn't bother me, but I might try diluting it - I'll keep you posted.
Now, the really good part - the conditioner:
Ladies: you know when you buy box hair color and they give you that magical little tube of amazingly thick conditioner that you wish you could just buy separately because its so thick and wonderful that your hair feels like silk afterwards? Yeah. It’s like that. So thick and creamy it comes out of the bottle like a fettuccini noodle instead of a liquidy squirt.
And: it’s smells AMAZING 😍🙌
Definitely a happy girl!
If you're looking for all natural hair care products, I would definitely have to recommend Young Living's Lavender Mint Shampoo and Conditioner.
Best all natural shampoo and conditioner

How to Get Rid of Mealybugs, Naturally

Get rid of mealy bugs, naturally
I've spent the summer battling a mealybug invasion, and it was definitely not fun. Apparently, a little hibiscus plant we brought home from the garden center had an infestation, and they just spread like wildfire.
Mealybugs are unarmored scale insects that feed on plant juices. They look like little white fuzzy creatures and can invade your greenhouse, house plants, and garden plants.
I quarantined the culprit, and moved it away from all the other plants, but by the time I realized what had been happening, it was too late. The mealybugs had spread to 4 other plants.
You'll generally find them all crowded around buds or new growth on your plants. they can be picked off by hand, but they feel kind of waxy, so you'd want to wear gloves.
We tried everything to get rid of them:
Ordered ladybugs not once, but twice. We bought an all natural pest spray from the garden center that was supposed to get rid of mealy bugs, but nothing seemed to work. They just kept multiplying.
Ladybugs to get rid of mealybugs
After so many trials and errors, we FINALLY found something that has gotten rid of them.
Here's what we did:
Fill a spray bottle halfway with rubbing alcohol.
Add 15 drops peppermint essential oil
Add 10 drops citronella essential oil
Fill nearly to the top with water
Add one squirt of dish soap.
Put lid on and shake.
Spray those little buggers until they're saturated.
You may need to repeat in a few days to get the ones you missed and their babies, but this will actually get rid of them once and for all!
Get rid of mealybugs naturally


DIY Natural Flea Repellant

When we rescued our puppy, Albus (yes, like Dumbledore), he was completely covered in fleas. I could actually see them jumping around on the ride home - it was horrible.
Albus, black mouth cur
We used the dish detergent method to rid him of them, and then also for a while afterward to keep them away, but the dish detergent was so harsh that it was stripping his skin of its natural oils. He would get greasy and s-t-i-n-k-y within a couple of days of having a bath.
We started to try other methods: the flea collar, the liquid that you squeeze down the spine, but wouldn't you know, the fleas came back.
So we took him to the vet, who told us that everything we were doing was basically useless in Florida, and he needed some chewable pills. Those definitely worked. No fleas at all the entire time he took them, but.....
Then we started our essential oil journey, and began learning about natural options.
We started to see how essential oils were actually working for US as an insect repellent, and wondered it they'd work for Albus too.
albus, black mouth cur
He'd been without his flea chewables for months without a flea in sight, but then, we spotted some. Crawling around on his hiney, so I did some research and mixed up a dropper of oils that repel fleas, and guess what? 2 days later, we gave him a thorough inspection, and there wasn't a flea to be found!!
Here's what we used:
5 drops Rosemary
5 drops Peppermint
5 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
Topped with sweet almond oil (you could sub FCO) in a 1 oz dropper bottle.
We just squeezed a dropper full down his spine the way you would with those flea tubes at the pet store.
Albus is around 60lbs so we used about a dropper and a half. Use less for smaller dogs.
diy diggie flea repellent
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