
DIY Natural Tooth Powder

We use Young Living’s aromabrite toothpase (definitely not the dentarome lol), and love it, but we ran out with a week to go until our monthly wellness box delivery. After few days of water brushing and mouthwash, we were all starting to really miss our minty mouths (ok, the kids couldn’t hav-= cared less, but Jon and I were missing it), so I made a little jar or toothpowder to tide us over.
Easy Homemade toothpowder
Here’s what I used:
2 tbsps Baking Soda - for cleaning
1 tbsp Bentonite Clay - helps remove toxins
6 drops Peppermint Essential Oil - for fresh breath
3 drops Citrus Fresh (or orange) Essential Oil - for whitening
3 drops Clove Essential Oil - high antibacterial properties
Just combine the powders in a small glass jar, drop in the oils, pop the lid on and shake to mix the ingredients.
Voila!  Easy, affordable, natural way to keep your teeth clean!!
DIY easy toothpaste recipe Just wet your toothbrush, gently dip it in the powder and then brush away for pearly whites!DIY toothpaste

DIY Natural Garden Pest Spray

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” ~ Margaret Atwood
For many of us, Spring means gardening. Spending our days in the warmth of the sun, tilling our soil and nurturing our plant babies.
Unfortunately, it can also mean pests. There’s nothing worse than spending weeks (or months) of effort caring for our plants, only to have them ravaged by bugs.
Fortunately, there are ways to deter pests and protect your beloved plants - without using dangerous chemicals.
Natural ways to keep bugs out of the garden
There are some budget friendly essential oils that are very effective at repelling bugs, slugs, and snails without being harmful to you or your plants.
Here are a few:
Peppermint: a natural insecticide, this oil will work on ants, beetles, flies, fleas, aphids, and squash bugs, as well as repel spiders.
Cedarwood: this oil is great for keeping slugs and snails away.
Orange: because of it’s high limonene content this oil is lethal to flies, fleas, and fire ants. It also repels silverfish, roaches, and mosquitos!
Budget Friendly Essential Oils for the gardenSimply add 5 drops of each oil into a 4 oz spray bottle, and fill with water. Spritz on plants as needed (shaking before each application).
No scary chemicals, just natural protection.
Do you use essentail oils in the garden? Tell us your favorite natural methods for keeping pests away from plants.
DIY garden pest spray
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