
Somebody's One!

As crazy as it seems to me, our baby boy has completed a whole sun cycle!
This year has been the biggest oxymoron.  It was the longest year of my life, and yet, it seems to have flown by.  Being this boy's Mama is such a blessing, but in the most different ways I could have ever imagined.  Cole has been, from the start, the kind of boy who keeps you on your toes.  Never content to just hang out and snuggle, he lives life to the fullest in every sense of the word.  He takes "no" as a suggestion, and has eaten a wider variety of foods (and non foods) at the completion of his first year than our 7 year old has in his lifetime.
This baby boy is not the "perfect child" that my oldest is in terms of behavior, caution, and savoir-faire.  But he certainly is the "perfect child" in terms of gumption, daring, and assertiveness.  Nothing will hold this boy back from life.  He simply must experience it all. 
We thought it would be perfectly fitting to have a wilderness themed first birthday, because well, our boy is nothing short of wild!

The cutesy, Forest Friends decor is from Hobby Lobby, as is the cupcake stand (which was white before we made it a tree by painting it brown). The metal C and metal chalk board bins I scored from Michael's for 70% off! The pine garland and pine scented candles are also from Michael's.  The other trays and bowls I already, and I thrifted that awesome candle that looks like a log, the rustic green table (8 bucks!!) and the wooden tray.
The Menu:

Woodland Berries
Teddy Grahams
Goldfish Crackers
Pretzel Rods (Deer Twigs)
Cheetos (Campfire Flames)
Banana Chips (Chipmunk Chips)
Brownie Bites (Bear Poop)
Pigs in a Blanket
Chocolate Cupcakes
Pumpkin Bread (Fallen Log)
S'mores station with ingredients to get your S'more on!
We also had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows for S'mores!  
As usual for 1st birthday parties, much more than the gifts, the big hit was the wrapping paper!!

Moccasins:  @TheWildFolkCo

Month 12

My wild, sweet, crazy baby boy.  

You've done it!  

You've made it though your first year unscathed (for the most part).  

You've been a bug eating, dirt digging, furniture climbing, pterodactyl screeching, face clawing, food scarfing, log licking, hourly night waking baby - and I wouldn't trade a second of it.  

Thank you, baby boy.  
Thank you for breaking me out of my complacency.  
For helping me remember that it's not about putting myself first.  That I am here to serve. 

Since you've arrived, the calm, quiet life I was living disappreared, and this new life of adventure took its place.  
You've taught me how to notice everything again because of your ability to find even the smallest bugs in the corners and get them into your mouth before I can catch you.

You've reminded me that kids should be dirty.  Children should spend most of their time exploring and adventuring.
Outside ("ot! ot!")     

You've broken us out of the mold we had fallen into, and reminded us where we were and what we'd originally wanted for our children.  

A childhood free of (or at least lacking in) consumerism and stuff.  
Stuff that bogs down your room and your mind, and changes your imagination from limitless possibilities to cookie cutter.  

A childhood filled with adventure.  
With the great outdoors.  
With dirt.  
With mud.

 Thank you for showing us how to find the music in everything.  That a passing train, a running dishwasher, or a spinning fan all have a beat, playing for anyone who should hear.  

And boy do you hear.  When your head tilts to the side and you begin to dance, it makes us stop and search for the rhythm you've picked up.  

Mindfulness, baby boy.  
That's what you've given us.  

And we are so grateful.  


Moccasins + Amber Teething Necklace: The Wild Folk Co

Love God Tees: Vicarious Clothing

Moose Pants: Born Savage

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